Monday, February 22, 2016

Mukoubuchi Chapter 10

Chapter 10 is now up! In this chapter, the match between the demon Kai and the man of perfect probability Hikage concludes in epic fashion! I'd also like to announce that Mukoubuchi will now be a weekly series from this point onward!!

Thanks to Tambur for the typesetting and to Penchan for the cleans.

Chapter Link

"His ice... is melting...!!!"

So in the end, Hikage's reliance on probability and his faith in his own ability was what did him in. Against most players Hikage's play style would be extremely profitable in the long run, as it's essentially playing the odds perfectly. However, taking the same strategy against Kai was a huge mistake. The fact that you only play one way and never change from it gives a player like Kai the ability to read you perfectly. Once Kai figured out how Hikage played, he was able to read into his hand and seal all his outs away.

Hikage is definitely a good player, but his downfall in this chapter was partly his own doing, partly because of the circumstance of his hotel burning down. He clearly had a good 10 million yen on him to be making the bets; if he'd taken the hint and walked away he could've still had something left. But thanks to him getting worked up over being taken for a fool by Kai and his overconfidence in his own ability (which was crumbling after Kai threw off his reads by playing in a deliberately strange way), he wound up losing all his money and everything but the clothes on his back.

And so yet another victim has fallen prey to the demon Kai......


  1. Woohoo! Weekly!! Excellent news

  2. Weekly? wow that makes me so happy! thank you!

  3. Yes! Thank you guys for making it weekly! I'm loving this.

  4. I am really happy because this will be weekly!

    I really hated how Hikage played in this chapter, really take a hint already, and this accident of his room in that hotel is burned down of all the time while playing with a demon? I didn't really buy that, a man of ice was good start yet disappointing ending if you ask me, thanks for great works guys!
