Monday, April 11, 2016

Mukoubuchi Chapter 13

Chapter 13 of mukoubuchi is now up! In this chapter, the gamble between the Mito Group and Kai concludes in epic fashion! Sorry again for the 2-week delay; penchan again had irl issues

Thanks to penchan for the cleans and to tambur for the typesetting!

Chapter Link

"Do you mean I was slow in catching up to you... Kai?!"

Jeez, how badass can Kai be? Working out such complicated signals so fast and using them to own their souls, top tier. The one where he passed up a ron to kan and get 4 new dora was fucking awesome as all hell. This isn't the last time we'll be seeing our ibaraki friends but for now, they're left hung out to 


  1. Pretty sure ryuu could beat kai at need for speed tho

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
