Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Mukoubuchi Chapter 18

Since I'm feeling so Terribly Jolly this year, have some Mukoubuchi to go with your Pen-chan! Only a 4-month break on this one, and the action is heating up! Kannagi the Baccarat Dealer is off to a good start in her match against Kai... but the wild beast that haunts the high-stakes tables is sure to not go down without a fight! Who will be the one to win over the flow?!

"This only makes me wonder more... do I resemble you? Or do you resemble me?"

Wow, Kai is fucking savage. He's not just trying to defeat Kannagi, he's trying to completely humiliate her by ignoring any winning tiles she plays, essentially saying "you're not worthy to compare yourself to me". It's only becoming more clear with every passing chapter that Kai has an inhuman feel for the flow of Mahjong, moreso than even a casino dealer who makes her living trying to read the flow of the cards. Is there any way that Kannagi can claw her way back and prove her mettle, or is the match going to end with the demon in human form proving once again that he is not to be taken lightly? I'll try and let you find out as soon as I can!


  1. thank you for another chapter :)

  2. Thank you as always for translating this!

  3. Really looking forward to more chapters, keep it up, it's a thankless job but man, I appreciate you for doing it.
